About Us | Dr Gold Chiropractic

Dr. Paul Gold, B.Sc (Hon.), DC

Clinic Director

North York chiropractor Dr. Paul Gold portrait

Dr. Gold has been a chiropractor in private practice for over 30 years and has been training undergraduate doctors at the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College for nearly 20 years.

In his practice, he prefers to use non-rotational neck and spinal adjustments for their comfort and efficacy. In addition, Dr. Gold offers post-graduate training courses for licensed Chiropractors in the area of extremity (peripheral joint) adjusting.

His special interest includes the jaw (TMJ) joint and wrist issues for which he utilizes proprietary techniques developed over years in practice. He is a co-founder of the TMJ 2 Toes extremity adjusting seminar, teaching chiropractors the art of extremity manipulation.

Of course, Dr. Gold also treats of variety of spinal conditions including disc herniation of the neck and lower back as well as all other joints in the body that can be injured or become dysfunctional.

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North York chiropractor Dr. Paul Gold portrait

Dr. Nadine Ellul, MHS, DC

Dr. Ellul is a graduate of the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College (CMCC), and later earned a Master’s degree in Health Studies from Athabasca University. From 2012-2018, she was a CMCC faculty member, teaching chiropractic technique, clinical diagnosis and simulation case scenarios. She also has been involved in original research exploring the implementation of force-sensing technology into the classroom environment.  Her other experiences include teaching for Seneca College and most recently joining Durham College’s School of Business, IT and Management as a full-time faculty member.

Dr. Ellul is a co-founder of the TMJ 2 Toes extremity adjusting seminar, teaching chiropractors the art of extremity manipulation. She continues to manage her clinical practice on a part-time basis.

In her spare time, Dr. Ellul enjoys spending time in the kitchen, creating gourmet meals for her family and friends.

Her other experiences include teaching at Seneca College and most recently becoming Durham College’s Associate Dean in their School of Science and Technology.